
The one that made me cry

So I've been on the lookout for this rather old anime called the Rose of Versailles. I came across the name a few years ago in a library copy of manga and art. I read it, but it wasn't even an entire volume, so I have been searching a translated version since then. I have been able to find the manga of Versailles, however they're all in Japanese. Don't get me wrong, I love the Japanese language and I do pretty well in it myself, but having to translate at least 5 versions on the manga that I've been able to track down so far is a feat. So when I found the anime on Kumby.com, I nearly freaked out. Scared my co-worker, too. 40 episodes, 40 glorious episodes depicting the start of the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI and a new character, Oscar Francois de Jarjayes. Oscar is really the main character of the anime and you're gradually sucked into her life as a military officer at such a young age and being there from the start of Antoinette's reign as Queen. As the anime continues, it gets sadder and sadder. The French people start to hate the monarchy, Oscar falls for the same guy that the Queen loves, and just the overall fact of a woman living as a man and commanding a regiment of the French Army, is a powerful storyline. Trust me, this is a great series and yes.....it made me cry. The last few episodes are a tearjerker. You have been warned, babies. 

And while you're on Kumby, check out Golden Boy. One of my friends at work have been nagging at me to watch it. It's a pretty good small series and the main character, Kintaro, is seriously messed up in the head, but he's funny and the series is pretty cute. 

Alright, babies, get at your Chick when you can. Oh, and also, Oni-Con staff.....do better next year. 


Best Small Series

Oni-Con Countdown: 8 days!!!!
So one of my friends who is as big into anime as I am suggested that I do a post on the best small series. Small series? Define small. Most anime series run at least 20 episodes and that, my friends, I don't consider small. Small to me means less than 15 episodes, but don't worry, I did a little research and actually found some great series that don't run all day and all night like Naruto. (Over 200 episodes! Are they crazy!)

Paranoia Agent

Really great series. I started watching this on Cartoon Network about a year or two back and just fell in love with it. It's crazy and just this side of kooky, but it will suck you in and make you wonder if what you're seeing is real or all made up in your head. And that little pink talking stuffed animal is the cutest thing when he's not talking about morbid stuff.

Ninja Scroll

Runs only 13 episodes and believe me, it should have run longer. The TV series, in my humble opinion, is not as great as the movies, but it does give you a better look at Jubei and his personality. You want to kill him sometimes, but just remember.....he'll kill you first.


One of the best action/horror animes of all time. You can not deny that Alucard is one of the baddest and craziest out there. The first season has 13 episodes and the OVA has 4. The OVA is still worth watching, same characters, slightly different story line.


One of my first series that I actually brought. (Do you see a theme here? I think I'm really into vampires. Twlight, this is not.) 12 episodes and you really are upset when it's over. Shido is one hot little character.

Angel Sanctuary

Only 3 episodes! Drove me up there and into the store. Can you believe that in order to finish a 3 episode OVA, I had to get the 20 volume manga! Don't get me wrong, having such a collection is great for my shelves, but come on! Yuki-sama, please get them to finish that in anime form!!!!

Ahhhh, ok, had to get that out. :) In any case, as far as small series that I've seen, those are some of the good ones. If you want more options, check out these:
Boogiepop Phantom
Black Blood Brothers
Crest of the Stars
GeneShaft (for all the scifi nuts out there)
Grenadier (I'm thinking about checking this one out for myself)
Haibane-Renmei (Might make you cry. You were warned. )
Mahromatic (Really, really cute.)
We'll start with those for now. And dont forget....OniCon!!!!!!


D. Gray Man

Oni-Con Blastoff Countdown:
16 Days!!!!

I'm completely loving the D. Gray Man anime series right now. I had started reading the manga and kinda fell off while I was changing states, but I am glad to be able to watch it online. www.kumby.com is a great site I stumbled upon, looking for episodes when I'm too impatient to wait for my Netflix. They have a lot to choose from, even though I didn't see Jubei-Chan. I love that series. A female Jubei? Stop it. Anyway, for those who don't know D. Gray Man yet, it started yet in the Shonen Jump monthlies and of course, Shonen never finished it. But that's alright, it got me a little hooked on the whole Akuma vs. exorcists, good vs. evil, weapons made from Innocence and a twist on a biblical story. Usually I tout the manga more than the anime, but I'm finding the D. Gray Man anime a lot more interesting than the manga right now. It runs over a 100 episodes, but it's worth sitting and watching. 


Coming Soon!!!!

I'm sorry I havent been around for a while, my babies, but you know how the holidays are. Dont be mad with your Chick. :) Don't worry, though, for coming very very soon is a gift idea list for you anime heads out there. Plus, I'm doing some research on a very possible Ninja Scroll addition to the anime family. It's just a rumor I heard from a friend, so leave it to your girl to get the rundown on the real deal.

Be back soon. Get at your Chick!


New Anime Releases

So Gurren Lagann came out on DVD on tuesday, and for a sci-fi mecha type of anime, I kinda like this one. I am not a mecha fan (except for Gundam wing and only for Duo), but I have to admit that Gurren Lagann is a guilty pleasure of mine. I started watching it on Ani-Mondays on the Sci-Fi channel and while it starts off a little kooky, it's a great watch the further the story-line gets. Episodes #1-9 are out now, that rest not out til January '09, so check this one out, my little mecha-heads.

Another good chick release is Peach Girl Complete Collection. I got into the manga a bit more than I thought I would, but its' a good story of chick/best friend, BF's betrayal, chick caught between two very hot guys, the regular high drama. Some girls can relate to the BF, though. She's a snotty little bitch who needs her ass whupped, but at times you'll feel for her. 

Now this is what I'm really excited about. Phoenix the Complete Collection is coming out on November 25th. Save the date, babies! This is one of the most intriguing and intense animes ever. If you thought the manga was badass, you need to watch the anime and just get sucked in. The animation is not as breathtaking as maybe Bloodlust or as graphic as X or Berserk, but the stories will draw you in and won't let you go. And the price is beautiful.....$22.98. Get it at www.animecornerstore.com. 

Later, babies. Get at your Chick.


Con News!!!!

Ooo, I'm so excited!!! Oni-Con is coming and your Chick is definitely going to be there. I'm getting ready, babies. Just ordered a customized tee and hoodie for this. I can not wait for it. I heard that the vender floor is all sold out. BEAUTIFUL!!!! Do you know how much damage a Chick can do on a vendor floor? It is so ON. I like finding unique pieces you can't really find in a store, Sailor Moon wall scrolls (can never have enough), phone straps, cups, tank tops. Unless a vender has some great discounted or bundles prices on DVDs, I never buy them. And remember, babies, if you go, please be friendly to the vendors. One, I'm buying from them too and I want them to be nice to me. Two, Make a connection and you can get free stuff because dude (or lady, whatever floats your boat), happens to like you. True story, happened to me. (Big ups to CPM and MP. Love ya'll up there!) I havent been to a con in ages and though I'm not a cosplayer, it's still really cool to go and see how people do it. I'd love to, but finding a seamtress, one who you trust, can be hard. Maybe next year. I'm dying to wear one of the Sailor Starlight outfits. Too cute.

Check the link for dates and registration prices. It pays to get in early.


Tops Continued.....

Awwww, my babies!! Did you miss me? I'm sorry, your Chick went out last night, had a blast. Nothing anime related, I'm sorry to say, but it was still all good. You know your girl looked good too. ;) Anyways...I know I was gone for a while, but I'm back now and I'm finishing up my Top Ten that I started. Like I said, don't forget, no real special ranking on these. Chick's got plenty of love for all. Ok, so.....


Sailor Moon R

That's right. Sailor Moon. Has been and always will be a favorite of mine. I will admit that the movies are a bit more interesting than perhaps the first season, but with most things, it has its moments. SMR is adding some depth to the romance of Serena and Darien (Usagi and Mamoru to us Moonies) with a touch of murder thrown in for kicks as an old friend of Darien's returns and is supremely jealous of the relationship between our two lovers. Now my question is, why hate on my girl? Yeah, she's clumsy, a crybaby, and the girl couldn't make an A in class to save her life, but that's why we love her. Besides, when it comes to protecting her friends and her man, she's all about the business. Better watch out. Those ponytails are lethal.


Howl's Moving Castle

I do appreciate the whole fairytale concept of changing a person's outward appearance until their inner character improves for the better and there really isn't another storyline that has this happen to two characters or two main characters for that matter. Now my girl Sophie really didn't need to be changed, she just ticked off the wrong witch, but Howl seriously needed it. A grown man acting like a three year old child? Stop it. Overall, it makes for a good story, magic and sorcery, politics, a talking flame, a rather hilarious dog, a little bit of romance thrown in, I could watch this again and again.



This one is seriously underrated in my opinion. A lot of people think that you need a big name director or producer (i.e., Rin Tarou, Miyazaki) to have a great anime. This one's got three!Memories is a series of stories, 3 stories, told by different directors, Koji Morimoto (Animatrix), Tensai Okamura (Wolf's Rain, love it!!!!) and Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira. Put that in your collection. NOW.) Each story is done differently so this way you get a good feel of how each director works, how their style flows. It's good for first timers and veterans because while the stories aren't related, that's what it's all about and these stories are good.


Spirited Away

Yes, another Miyazaki, but only because it is one of the best feature length animes to date. The whole story grips you from beginning to end, the animation is fluid, the graphics breathtaking, the script....perfection. I don't want to retell the whole story because it's something that should be watched by every anime fan worldwide, but to describe it briefly, Chihiro is a young girl traveling to a new home with her parents when they end at a tunnel leading....to the spirit world. Her parents are taken away and Chihiro must work in order to get them back. The new friends and experiences she has through her ordeal causes her to grow and evolve in heart and character so that by the time the movie is over, you have no doubt that Chihiro can handle anything thrown her way, schoolyard bullies included.


Angel Sanctuary

Not technically a movie, but an Original Animated Video (OAV) that spans only 1 VHS tape in animation. That's about 3 episodes. The manga goes a lot further, but the only reason I picked up the first book of the GN is because of the movie. Angels, rebellions, demons, death, and yes, even some incest and graphic violence in the mix will grab yoy by the lapels and hold you til the end when you suddenly say, "What?.....no...no.....NO!!!" You don't want this story to end, it's like a drug, you need more, you need to know more, you want to get lost in this possible apocalyptic world where angels and demons wage war. The only reason you'd be disappointed with Angel Sancutary is that anime-wise, there is no more to had. But that's ok, my friends. Go out and exercise your right to protest! I WANT MORE SETSUNA!!!!!!!


Top Ten Faves

It's a rainy day outside, but in here, it's all sun, babies. A well charged laptop, a few anime episodes, a Sobe Lean and it's all good. Oh my dears, I have completed my Top Ten list for anime fave anime movies. Now keep in mind these really don't have any special ranking for me and this is my own personal list. Feel free to email me with your own Tops, whether it be 10 or 5, it doesn't matter. Anime lovers unite!

So #1........

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust!

I saw the first Vampire Hunter D and I liked it. Liked it, not loved it. But Bloodlust blew me out of the water. The animation is much stylish and fluid this time around, is set in much brighter tone than D because where the first was really dark and goth, Bloodlust actually has scenes set in the daylight and while I was not completely satisfied with the storyline (I've had more than a few arguments about it), I can say that overall this is one of the better anime movies thus far. Bloodlust introduces a few new characters which is always a good thing and develops the character of D a bit more. 


Porco Rosso

It is surprising to me that number of people who have not seen Rosso. Yes, it is a bit fantasical and has a war theme going for it (a pilot that turned into a pig??? Say what now?), it is still a great movie to watch. Hayao Miyazaki is a great storyteller and he does have the ability to suck you into his plots and characters. His stories tend to move along at a good pace and there is really no reason that you should find yourself bored to tears watching one of his films. Rosso is one of the lesser known films in his collection, but it makes for great watching. Some tout it as violent, but compared to some others on my list, it's rather tame. Which brings me to my #3 pick........

Princess Mononoke

This is one of the first full length anime movies I watched, one of the better known U.S. releases when anime made it over here. I love the pagan theme of this movie, man vs. nature, tick off the God of the Forest and he will hurt you. Yeah you may have thought it was cool to anger the wolf god til you got your arm bitten off. As far as a first long sit-down-and-stay-a-while movie goes, this is a good choice. it's not really a kid's movie, I don't think that they would appreciate too much that the big talking animals are going insane and dying, but adults can get into it and enjoy. It is somewhat violent, but the overall theme of industrialization vs. Mother Nature and Father Sky always makes for a good story. There is some romance, very little between the main characters San and Ashitaka, the rough and tumble girl raised by wolves  and the rather well-mannered, well cultured boy from a nice little village, but as the love affair really doesn't show itself til towards the end, you are left guessing at what happens after. 

Let me get away from Miyazaki for #4...


Now I've read the reviews. I've heard, "Visually brillant, but flawed", "Great animation, poor story, poor script", do you see a there here, babies? Yes, I will agree that Metropolis was poorly done in some aspects, however, it still captures your attention. Robots and humans trying to co-exist in a futuristic technologically forward (for those who can afford it) world, throw in a rather demented duke and his bitter "son", a young boy and his robot female friend who seems to hold a key to the duke's  greater plan, it all sounds great. Being a fan of Tezuka (Buddha, Phoenix, yes even AstroBoy), there is beauty in the flaws. No, the story of Tima, our robotic android, isn't fully explained, but it does make you wonder. You ask yourselves, "What's Duke Red's deal? What's his own story?" Answers don't come easy with Tezuka, but while others believe that to be a flaw, I see it as a whole new world opening up. Fanfiction, anyone?



Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. One of my first adventures into the CLAMP world and I loved just about every minute of it. X is also an anime TV series and a manga, both of which do happen to delve into the story and characters more, but still I do not believe that any anime fan should pass up on watching X:The Movie. It's a story that questions whether humanity should live or die, 2 groups fighting, one for mankind, the other for earth. You really can't tell the good from the bad except for the two main characters, Kamui and Fuma. Sometimes you're rooting for Kamui and sometimes you'd just wish that Fuma would backslap him. X is one of the few movies that you'll find that can actually transcend the fine lines of anime and cartoon guidelines to where you find yourself doubting your own values. Should we die so that the Earth can live? Wow. I give it to CLAMP. Those ladies are messed up in the head. 

Ok, babies, #6-10 tomorrow. Get at your Chick!


Let's Talk

Let's talk anime, my friends. Let's talk old, new, classic, current, the really good and the really really bad. Yes, believe it or not, there is some BAD anime out there. But we can get to that later. To all my newbie babies out there, welcome to the Chick's page. That's right, I'm a girl who can talk shop when it comes to anime. Why? Because I know what I'm talking about! Got an issue with what I say? It's cool, boo, get at me and we can debate this if you want to get down like that. Some people can turn it into a sport, I swear. But back to the issue at hand, babies. So what is anime? Very simple, it's Japanese animation that spans so many different genres, from action to scifi, horror to romance, girl groups, boy bands, ninja clans,  from big mechanical machines to the grossest monsters. There's an anime series out there for everyone, trust me on this. So let's get to the nitty-gritty. 
"So, Chick, I'm new on this anime scene. What would you recommend me watch to get my cherry popped?"
So glad you asked, baby.
My very first anime was Dragonball Z. Yeah, I know, I know, bad anime. (Yea, I said it.) However, I would suggest, that in order to make your beginning foray into the vast world of anime, try a few episodes. Dragonball Z was one of the first animes to actually hit the scene in America and introduce us to a new wave of cartoons. (Thank you, Toonami.) This was back in '96 and for the time, it was pretty hard-hitting stuff. Big guy, little head, fast action, lot of violence, a bit of dimension warping thrown in for good measure. It was a good love affair for a while, then I moved on to bigger and much much better. If not DBZ, if all that head smashing is just too much for you, then I would suggest Bleach. This is a very good series with a lot of action for the guys and a bit of romance for my girls. The story line will suck you in almost immediately, ghosts, bad deaths, a talking stuffed animal. Give it a shot, you won't be disappointed.  My third suggestion would be Case Closed (Detective Conan). This one is a bit more mental than the others, so for all my intellectual babies out there, this would be right up your alley.
 Now, should you be able to get past that and want to work on more involving, more entertaining, or just overall more visually pleasing animes, then get back at me. There are more than a few Top Ten Lists all over this Web and of course I have mine, but that's for another day. 

Check back with the Chick!