

Can we talk? I mean, seriously, just sit down and talk about this? Can someone, anyone, please tell me why we have such annoying animes out there???? Don't get me wrong, your Chick loves the comedy.....if it's funny. School Rumble.....you are not. If I have to sit through one more episode of misunderstandings and miscommunications, I'm going to scream. Just when I think my baby Harima is thisclose to finally telling his long time crush, Tenma, just how he feels, the other characters get in the way. For anyone not familiar with this anime, lemme break it down for ya. Tenma is a sophomore in high school who isn't the brightest bulb in the storage room, but she's a good girl, down for her friends and all that. While she may look like a middle school student, she's really the oldest of her and sis Yakumo, who by the way acts like she's the oldest in taking care of Tenma, cooking, housekeeping and overall domestic stuff. Harima is the tough guy of the series, the obvious deliquent with his sunglasses and older-guy mustache, but also a decent guy with a problem in telling Tenma how he feels about her. An aspiring manga artist, Harima is talented with animals too, which in turn sparks a friendship with Yakumo. However, Tenma has a crush herself on quiet Karasuma, who seems to be crushing on.....curry. (Yea, he's a weird dude). Sis Yakumo also has an admirer, Haruki, and with so many other student characters thrown in the mix, believe me, there is more blundering and misinterpretations than you can throw a geta at. When I first started watching this series, I didnt think that it would take the entire series for anyone to start to say anything of consequence to each other. You could not believe all the things that should have been said versus all the things that were misunderstood because someone didn't say enough.

Now I'm all for the guy getting the girl and happy endings and riding off into the sunset, but School Rumble, you really take the cake on this one. I know some people out there love this anime strictly because it's light and fluffy and a real make-you-feel-good type of series, but there has to be a point to all of this flailing about. Oh well.....on the next one!


Found It!

Finally! After weeks of searching and being almost thoroughly bored with a lot of "cute" animes, I have found the top anime that beats all cuteness! Wait for it......wait for it.......


Yes, yes, for all of you out there that found this before our Chick.......well, good for you. Just playing, you know your Chick loves you. But this is wonderful. Not even 10 minutes into the first episode and I knew I had to have more. I was quite satisfied with the first episode and that's saying a lot for anime out there that can take a while to get to the meat of the plot. Anyone not familiar with Host Club, you have a girl from a common background (i.e. poor) stumbling across her wealthy school's Host Club, a group of good-looking male students with too much time on their hands who entertain the female students, also with too much time on their hands. In trying to get out of the Club's room, our heroine, Haru-chan, knocks over a very expensive vase (the horror!) and is then turned into the Club's errand "boy". At the time, the Club just thinks she's a he, puts Haru in a male student's uniform and introduces him to the guests as their new member, but don't worry, babies, they found out very quickly Haru's female. See? Story's moving right along. Even got rid of one villain by the end too. Good....I can't stand dragging plots.

Host Club only has 26 episodes and I can not wait to get to the end. Will Haru be with the Club King, Tamaki, pampered, obnoxious, but with a good heart? Or will she go for the strong and silent type in Mori, (who by the way, I absolutely adore)? Warning: Host Club is not for those with phobias to lots of roses, flowery language and some yaoi-inspired scenes. If you dont like it, then let me enjoy it for you!

Now....what should be my next assignment?????


Dance with Me!

No, I'm kidding, but I have found a better anime to watch nowadays. While I'm still working on Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood (which is wonderful, btw), I was pleasantly surprised to come across this new one (well, new for the Chick) on Hulu. Who knew Hulu was just full of great stuff? I mean, Archer is a blast, but come on, we're talking Ergo Proxy, X, The WallFlower, Monster....good stuff, good stuff. So now I'm watching Dance in the Vampire Bund. This is one of the better animes I've seen in a long time, so I'm very excited to introduce my babies to it. The plot is not that complicated, so that's a good thing. BOttom line is, vampires exist and the ruler, Princess Mina, plans to have the vampires dwell on a piece of property just off the Japanese coastline, a bund for vampires. And what story would be complete without a little drama in the middle as the story brings in a young man who apparently has ties to the princess, but (wait for it.......) he can't remember!!!!! Shocker! Don't worry, babies, the story moves right along in double time, so no time to be bored. Take the Chick's advice and watch this one!!!