Oni-Con Countdown: 8 days!!!!
So one of my friends who is as big into anime as I am suggested that I do a post on the best small series. Small series? Define small. Most anime series run at least 20 episodes and that, my friends, I don't consider small. Small to me means less than 15 episodes, but don't worry, I did a little research and actually found some great series that don't run all day and all night like Naruto. (Over 200 episodes! Are they crazy!)
Paranoia Agent
Really great series. I started watching this on Cartoon Network about a year or two back and just fell in love with it. It's crazy and just this side of kooky, but it will suck you in and make you wonder if what you're seeing is real or all made up in your head. And that little pink talking stuffed animal is the cutest thing when he's not talking about morbid stuff.
Ninja Scroll
Runs only 13 episodes and believe me, it should have run longer. The TV series, in my humble opinion, is not as great as the movies, but it does give you a better look at Jubei and his personality. You want to kill him sometimes, but just remember.....he'll kill you first.
One of the best action/horror animes of all time. You can not deny that Alucard is one of the baddest and craziest out there. The first season has 13 episodes and the OVA has 4. The OVA is still worth watching, same characters, slightly different story line.
One of my first series that I actually brought. (Do you see a theme here? I think I'm really into vampires. Twlight, this is not.) 12 episodes and you really are upset when it's over. Shido is one hot little character.
Angel Sanctuary
Only 3 episodes! Drove me up there and into the store. Can you believe that in order to finish a 3 episode OVA, I had to get the 20 volume manga! Don't get me wrong, having such a collection is great for my shelves, but come on! Yuki-sama, please get them to finish that in anime form!!!!
Ahhhh, ok, had to get that out. :) In any case, as far as small series that I've seen, those are some of the good ones. If you want more options, check out these:
Boogiepop Phantom
Black Blood Brothers
Crest of the Stars
GeneShaft (for all the scifi nuts out there)
Grenadier (I'm thinking about checking this one out for myself)
Haibane-Renmei (Might make you cry. You were warned. )
Mahromatic (Really, really cute.)
We'll start with those for now. And dont forget....OniCon!!!!!!
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